Rachel Waugh
Director & Founder
Rachel moved back to Colorado in 2019 after completing her Masters in Food Studies at Chatham University by developing a plan for a participatory and interactive museum of food.
Her passion for food began when she was three and her parents let her mix the pancake batter. Ever after, food took hold of her entrepreneurial spirit from the catering business she began in eighth grade to creating educational and social events in grad school. While at school, Rachel’s interest in food intersected with her deepening dedication to social justice as she spearheaded the animal rights club, championed “real” food at university, and rescued excess prepared food. It is no surprise that producing a dystopian food justice theater performance and meal at Wesleyan University was the ultimate birthplace of the Museum of Food and Culture. This dream propelled Rachel to graduate school and beyond.
In her free time, Rachel continues to seek every opportunity to learn more about education, food, museums, nonprofit development, and social justice. Rachel enjoys playing with her dog Piper, loves listening to scientific podcasts (current favorite is "Ologies"), and is trying to explore every museum within a hundred mile radius.
Her mission is to create an army of food nerds who spread the word that we are more similar than we are different.
Photo Credit:
Jade Warner