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🍔 Burgers or 🌭 Dogs?(and other cool things)

June 28, 2024

Happy Friday!

Here are some things I found interesting, inspiring, and just plain cool this week…

My task this week has been to figure out a new morning ritual in my new home.

(It’s also kinda not “new” since I did, in fact, grow up here).

In my apartment, I had a order that I could do in my sleep. 🥱 Roll out of bed, 🐕walk dog (and try to avoid human interaction as I am not yet fully alive), feed dog, 🫖 make tea, 🧼 empty dishrack, curl my body over my teacup and hope that it fully wakes me up before work.

And now…

I don’t know what my routine is.

I’m amazed by how much the change in my mornings has impacted me and it’s led me to think a lot about the joys and challenges of shaking up one’s routine.

When I travel, 🧳 I LOVE to be out of sorts. Some mornings sleeping in and eating 🥐 giant pastries. Other mornings, I rise early, 🏕️ drink a cup of coffee and run off on the day’s adventures.

But there’s something different when you move into a new home.

I’m out of sorts, but my life is normal.

Yes, I don’t have a good groove of habits and my things are still in oh so many boxes, 📦 but I still go to work, play with my dog, and go to the gym. It’s just the Where that’s changed.

  • 🌻 My gardening self would tell me it’s like transplanting something into a new spot in the garden. The plant has to relearn where the sun is and forge a new space for its roots.

  • 🍕My foodie self would think about having the same drink or dish in different places/times of your life. How one circumstance can totally change the flavor and experience.

  • 🤔 My philosophical self would return to this quote: “There is nothing like returning to a place that remains unchanged to find the ways you yourself have altered.” — Nelson Mandela

And in a way, I think all my ‘selves’ are right.

I’m relearning how to be. I’m experiencing the familiar anew. And I’m reflecting on how I’ve grown.

It’s almost July 4th, aka The Biggest Cookout Day of the Year. 🔥

(How is there not a grill emoji?!?)

As we’re all stocking our fridges for festivities under the fireworks, 🎆 I’m wondering:

What is the most ‘American’ food for the Fourth? 🍔 Burgers or 🌭 Hot Dogs?

Does it depend on where you are in the country? Your family’s preferences? Targeted marketing? Or do you just throw your hands up and eat both?

Last year, the Food Network shared that burgers were the top choice. Yet Instacart countered that with reports that hotdog buns were purchased more than burger buns.

Which do you prefer for your cookouts? 

Personally, I’m a (veggie) burger girl!

Coming to Denver soon…

🎨 A cool new workshop we’re doing with the Art Students League of Denver where we learn how to make Vegetable Print Bouquets!

🍈 From Smell to Sell

Durian is a delicacy throughout Southeast Asia and now China is jumping on board! My mom told me about how countries like Malaysia are totally revamping their agriculture to support the new trendiness of durian fruit in China.

This 🇷🇼 Rwandan chef who is on a mission to carve out a space for African food in the fine dining


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